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Article: Oatmeal



One of the ingredients that most relieves itching and is most used in cosmetics for sensitive skin.

Ideal for : acne, redness, rosacea, psoriasis, dermatitis, sensitive skin, damaged hair, dry hair, stretch marks and scars.

Objective : calm, hydration.



1. What is oats?

Oatmeal is one of the most used ingredients in cosmetics for sensitive skin. It is a cereal that is grown in temperate areas around the world, especially Northern Europe and North America. It is used in countless products for facial, body and hair use due to its excellent moisturizing, emollient and soothing properties.

It is rich in polysaccharides, beta-glucans, starches and mucilage that give it hydrating, humectant properties (it is capable of retaining water from the environment) and emollients. It also contains f lavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids and omega 6 (linoleic acid) with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and soothing properties.

Oatmeal also stands out for its content of vitamin B1, Biotin and minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium, and polyphenols that have shown an enormous anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, which makes it really effective on irritated skin, relieving itching and redness.

2. What kind of ingredient is it?

Active ingredient , we can find it in numerous cosmetics from cleansers, creams, oils, masks, etc.

3. How do I identify it in the list of ingredients ( INCI )?

Avena sativac Kernel extract

4. What properties do oats have?

  • Pain relieving
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Moisturizing moisturizers
  • Emollient moisturizers

5. For what type of skin do we recommend this ingredient?

  • Sensitive skin
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis*
  • Burns

* Always consult a dermatologist, since they are skin diseases and must be diagnosed and treated by a specialist doctor.

6. Contraindications:


7. Recommendations:

You can use ground oats to take a bath and you can also make this mask to soothe sensitive or acne-prone skin following this safe recipe:

8. A recipe with oats:

Oatmeal mask for sensitive or acne skin

Do you have ground or flaked oats at home? Did you know that you can take advantage of this ingredient and do it safely? If you have oats at home, you can prepare your own mask and benefit from its properties. Ideal for calming, hydrating and softening the skin. Especially useful for sensitive and acne skin.

The recipe is very easy, take note!

What do you need?

  • 10 g of ground oats
  • 1 teaspoon of the vegetable oil you prefer ( see oil categories )
  • 70º C alcohol to disinfect all utensils
  • Spatula for stirring
  • Brush to apply the mask
  • Glass or mixing container


  • Disinfect all the utensils you are going to use with 70º C alcohol.
  • If the oats are flaked, you can grind them.
  • Let the oats soak in water for at least 6 hours. For 10 g of oats, 30 ml of water will be enough.
  • Add a teaspoon of the vegetable oil you have chosen.
  • Mix all ingredients well.

Application :

  • Directly on clean skin, apply a medium layer and leave it on for at least 10 minutes.
  • Remove with plenty of warm water or with the help of a damp muslin cloth.
  • Pat dry and continue with your usual routine.

Bibliography and references:


- Cosmetics applied to Aesthetics and Wellness, Inmaculada SabaterGalindo and Lourdes Mourelle Mosqueira, Aesthetics and Wellness.

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