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Marcas e ingredientes que puedo utilizar durante el embarazo y la lactancia

Brands and ingredients that I can use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Marcas e ingredientes que puedo utilizar durante el embarazo y la lactancia

Brands and ingredients that I can use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Today we are going to tell you which cosmetic brands from our catalog you can safely use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If it is more comfortable for you, remember that you can apply the "pre...

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Complementos alimenticios: qué son y cómo funcionan

Food supplements: what they are and how they work

Supplements, complements, nutricosmetics ... There is no doubt, they are in fashion and they are here to stay. Every day we find them in more places: cosmetics stores, supermarkets, herbalists, par...

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¿Qué es la doble limpieza?

What is double cleansing?

What is double cleansing? What does it consist of? It is for all types of skin? Which has benefits? Is it essential? In this post we resolve all these queries. Here we go! 1. What is ...

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¿Cuál es la mejor protección solar?

What is the best sun protection?

Until a couple of years ago, choosing sun protection didn't seem so complicated; This decision was easier because we possibly did not have access to as much information or studies. It is also tr...

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Autobronceadores: todo lo que necesitas saber

Self-tanners: everything you need to know

With the arrival of the sun and good weather we like to show off tanned skin. Exposing ourselves to the sun with the aim of tanning is always harmful to our skin health. But there is a way to get a...

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Todas las claves para cuidar una piel con rosácea

All the keys to taking care of skin with rosacea

Rosacea is a common and chronic disease that affects the face, causing redness and other complications. Its difficult treatment and the lack of knowledge about its exact causes makes it a real burd...

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Consejo theCosmethics para Rosácea: Sérum Calmante + Aceite de Rosa Mosqueta

theCosmethics Tip for Rosacea: Soothing Serum + Rosehip Oil

What treatment to apply every night if we have rosacea, very sensitive skin and we want to hydrate and calm it? The answer is to combine the Pai Skincare Sea Aster Soothing Serum and 5 minutes late...

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Las vitaminas de la belleza

Beauty vitamins

Today we bring you a very special post about vitamins and beauty. Many times you ask us what foods are good for the skin, what ingredients we should incorporate if we want to get a prettier and fa...

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¿Qué es exactamente la dermatitis seborreica?

What exactly is seborrheic dermatitis?

We continue the week talking about seborrheic dermatitis. It is one of the main causes of flaking of the scalp in the form of dandruff, a problem suffered by up to 50% of the adult population. It a...

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¿Por qué tenemos estrías? ¿Cómo puedo prevenirlas?

Why do we have stretch marks? How can I prevent them?

Stretch marks are one of the most hated skin problems in the world. We all hate when those brands appear... and above all, they come to stay. That is why the market is full of treatments that promi...

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