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¿Qué es la cosmética vegana? ¿Cómo sé si mi cosmético es vegano?

What is vegan cosmetics? How do I know if my cosmetic is vegan?

¿Qué es la cosmética vegana? ¿Cómo sé si mi cosmético es vegano?

What is vegan cosmetics? How do I know if my cosmetic is vegan?

More and more people are making the decision to consume organic vegan cosmetics; In most cases it is a decision that goes in company and in line with the diet. It is totally logical and understanda...

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¿Cuándo empezar a usar contorno de ojos? ¿Para qué sirve el contorno de ojos?

When to start using eye contour? What is the eye contour for?

Do I need an eye contour? When should I start using one? It is too early? How do I reduce these small wrinkles? There are many questions that revolve around the question of what is the best time to...

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Los efectos del alcohol sobre la piel: deshidratación, manchas, opacidad, hinchazón e inflamación

The effects of alcohol on the skin: dehydration, spots, dullness, swelling and inflammation

We all know that drinking alcohol, like tobacco, are clear enemies of the skin. They are the antithesis to healthy, young and radiant skin. Spots, dehydration, redness, aging, marks and inflammatio...

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¿Qué plantas son seguras durante el embarazo?

What plants are safe during pregnancy?

Many herbs, remedies and infusions are of great help when you are pregnant; During the entire process you practically cannot take any type of medication and 9 months are enough for many very differ...

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4 Usos del contorno de ojos que jamás habrías pensado

4 Uses of eye contour that you would never have thought of

If you think that an eye contour can only be used for the delicate area around the eye, you are wrong. Contour creams are a basic element with several uses that many of us are unaware of. From a re...

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La palabra “natural” en la etiqueta de un producto no siempre significa que sea orgánico

The word “natural” on a product label does not always mean it is organic.

If a cosmetic contains a minimum percentage (around 95%) of certified organic ingredients of plant and/or animal origin, it is considered “organic cosmetics”. If this requirement is not met, we are...

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9 Pequeños cambios para sentirse mejor

9 Small Changes to Feel Better

Spring is a good time to renew yourself; Both inside and out. It is a season in which many of us feel much more active than usual and we want to make the most of our time. Do more things and mainta...

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Cómo evitar un brote de acné después del verano

How to avoid an acne breakout after summer

How to prevent acne breakouts that appear after summer, what factors cause them, what products to use.

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El estrés y sus efectos en la piel

Stress and its effects on the skin

Stress and anxiety are two conditions that we usually subject our bodies to due to the busy lives we lead today. We know about their effects on a psychological level but we often ignore that they ...

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Gimnasia facial: qué es y cómo puede ayudarte

Facial gymnastics: what it is and how it can help you

Our face and neck need, like the rest of our body, to exercise every day. Facial gymnastics has become a practice that very few have been able to resist trying. Grimaces, controlled movements, fun...

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