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Frequently Asked Questions about Hyaluron Drink

How long should I take PROCEANIS® Hyaluron Drink?

Due to the slow metabolic processes in the connective tissue, Proceanis recommends continuous consumption for at least three months.

Is it suitable for diabetics?

Yes. The coconut flower syrup it contains has a low glycemic index.

At what temperature should I store Hyaron Drink?

Do not store above 25 degrees.

Where does hyaluronic acid come from?

Hyaluronic acid is obtained from plants. In a multi-stage fermentation process, natural corn starch is converted into hyaluronic acid by bacterial cultures and then filtered. The result is a highly pure vegan hyaluronic acid with an optimal molecular structure. It can be metabolized without problems and is available to the body at any time if necessary.

Does it influence fluid retention?

No. Due to mechanisms on a microscopic scale, unwanted water retention or unnatural swelling of the skin are excluded. Unnatural water retention is rather related to the lymphatic system and has nothing to do with hyaluronic acid in the connective tissue.

Can I take Hyaluron Drink during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding?

For intake during pregnancy or breastfeeding, consult your doctor. Vitamin A, which should not be overdosed during pregnancy, is present in PROCEANIS® Hyaluron Drink at 15% of the recommended daily dose.