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Harmony Rescue Mask: una mascarilla facial muy potente y efectiva

Harmony Rescue Mask: a very powerful and effective facial mask

Harmony Rescue Mask: una mascarilla facial muy potente y efectiva

Harmony Rescue Mask: a very powerful and effective facial mask

You often ask us for a natural, powerful and effective facial mask to do a deep facial cleansing at home. Harmony Rescue Mask is an ideal option if what you are looking for is a powerful, organic ...

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Stretch Oil: Aceite Antiestrías orgánico Saar Soleares

Stretch Oil: Saar Soleares Organic Anti-Stretch Mark Oil

100% natural and organic anti-stretch mark oil with a soft exotic aroma composed of notes of hazelnuts and orange blossom. This oil hydrates, provides firmness and turgor to the skin and prevent...

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Antipodes: nuestro viaje más lejano 20.373km

Antipodes: our furthest trip 20,373km

Two weeks ago Antipodes Scientific Organic Beauty landed at Cosmethics. Our efforts to try and bring the best natural cosmetics continues every day and on this occasion our adventure reached New Ze...

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Odacité: personaliza tu crema en función de tu piel

Odacité: customize your cream based on your skin

Topanga: birthplace and inspiration of Odacité. Known as the bohemian-chic Brigadoon of Los Angeles, the roads of this magical canyon wind over the Pacific, between Los Angeles and Malibu. Like a...

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Xabón de Allariz, un proyecto ético y solidario

Xabón de Allariz, an ethical and supportive project

Xabón de Allariz is a Galician ethical and solidarity project that makes natural soaps with donkey milk to support the work of the ANDREA Association in Allariz. Xabón de Allariz, an ethica...

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Seventy-one Percent: protección solar para deportistas

Seventy-one Percent: sun protection for athletes

This week we are especially excited to talk to you about a truly spectacular brand, concerned about the environment and generous. That brand is Seventy One Percent , below we will explain a little ...

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Manucurist: esmaltes de uñas 9free, cruelty free y naturales

Manucurist: 9free, cruelty free and natural nail polishes

From France comes Manucurist ; a brand with a single purpose: to make you happy with happy, natural and beautiful nail polishes. Their range of colors is very wide and they have invented the "Gree...

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24Bottles: ligeras, sostenibles y reutlizables

24Bottles: light, sustainable and reusable

Why have we incorporated 24Bottles into theCosmethics? Because they are practically endless , you can use them hundreds of times, they are light, they do not contain any plastic and you can transp...

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10 curiosidades sobre el aceite de comino negro (Nigella Sativa)

10 curiosities about black cumin oil (Nigella Sativa)

He Black cumin oil is a toning and purifying oil with many uses and widely used in skin treatments. It is a soothing, regenerating, vitalizing, moisturizing, protective, regulating, reparative and ...

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Dr. Hauschka's lemon balm

This is Love! A love rather at second sight, but with all the senses. At first, lemon balm appears as a modest plant that we find on the edges of roads, with quadrangular stems, non-showy flowers ...

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